first note: If you haven't done so already, please email me your address. At the end of the challenge, I have some prizes from our sponsor - and I would like to have everyone's address so that it's a surprise! (there is not enough prizes for everyone... so please don't be disappointed if you don't get something).
A little while ago I sent an email asking people their reasons for losing weight. I thought it would be interesting for others - but also for each of us to look at ourselves and give our weight loss a purpose. I have received a number of replies... but I'm determined to increase this list!! So please, read through the list. You may recognise many reasons that you hadn't thought of before. (For me, I was particularly taken by # 30). Some of these reasons may inspire you to keep going on your weight loss journey. And after reading these - you may think of some more reasons! So please - email me with more reasons (different from the ones listed here!) Lets see how many reasons we can accumulate. I once saw a list of 1000+ reasons! I want to get there! As you can see, the replies are all anonymous. So feel free to write whatever you want! Enjoy this list.
- I want to have energy to do absolutely anything I can!
- I want to feel beautiful
- I want to be proud of myself
- I want to enjoy looking at photos of myself
- I want to look as good as I feel
- I want to get on the scales and not have to worry about the number
- I want to be able to walk into a store and not have to try and find something to fit
- I want to have confidence
- I want to feel that I look good, its nice to hear, but I still need to feel it myself
- I don't want my back to ache
- I don't want to have big boobs!! (but not too little either)
- I don't want to feel fat
- I don't want to have a sore neck
- I don't want to wear a size 18-22
- I don't want to be by myself. It's not like a guy is going to complete me, but it would be nice to have someone to share my live with, its not that no-one would not love me ‘cos I’m big, I just don't love myself, as I'm not happy with myself looking like this and I just don't have the confidence.
- I want to be a good role model for my boys
- I want to be healthy
- I don't want to get diabetes (which runs in my family)
- I want to have another baby
- I want to fit into the clothes I have been hanging onto for 9 years
- I want to be thin and feel attractive
- I want to be the best I can be
- I want to feel great
- I want to look great
- I want to stop having weight loss as a major focus in my life
- I want to put my energies into something else
- I want to see what I’ll look like at my ‘ideal’ weight
- I want to know the love of a man
- I want to be able to grow old
- I want to be respected
- I don't want to miss out on promotions or job opportunities
- I want more energy
- I don't want to wake up tired every day
- I want to be able to see my feet
- I want to have children
- I want to be able to shop anywhere
- I don't want people to stare at me
- I want people to think I look sexy
- I want to enjoy having pictures taken of me
- I want to get married
- I want my family to be proud of me
- I want to be a able to run anywhere i chose
- I'm sick of feeling big
- I'm sick of siblings telling me I have a "ghetto booty"
- I don't want to become a mum (not pregnant yet) and put on many many kilos
- I would like to associate the words svelte and slim with my body - right now that's not an option.
- I want to fit back into my size 12 jeans!
- I want to be able to wear a bikini and feel good in it!
- I want to feel good about myself for a change
- I want to be able to buy 'off the rack' clothes
- I want to be a role model for overweight family members (if I can do it, so can you)
- I want to be in control of my eating habits
- I want to be healthy for the rest of my life
- I don't want to be fat and 40, I want to be fit and 40
- I want to be a personal trainer
- I don't want to become diabetic (as my sister is at age 36 and my grandparents were)
- I want to run and play with my children.
- I want to wear my size 10 clothes on again.
- I want to wear my bikini.
- To play with my son and not get out of breath
- To learn to run
- To wear "skinny girl" clothes
- So my "muffin top" belly doesn't hang over my pants
- To be healthy
- To be attractive
- So that I look good in swimmers
- So that I like what I see in the mirror
- So my boobs get smaller (hopefully)
- To get rid of my "tuck shop lady" arms
- I want to feel more attractive
- I want to be able fit into a size 12 easily
- I want to have more energy
- I want my partner to see me back in a size 12 looking good again
- I want to stop feeling uncomfy in public places
- I want to feel more confident in myself
- I want to be happier
- I want to be healthier
- I want to play more with the kids
- I want to buy sexy clothes :)
- I want to have energy to play with my son
- I want to get pregnant again
- I want to feel attractive
- I want to wear size 10 pants
- I want my husband to be proud of me
- I want to enjoy looking at photos of myself
- I want to look as good as I feel
- I want to prevent heart attack and stroke (as my mum & grandma had)
- I don't want my feet to ache when I wake up in the mornings
- I don't want my back to ache
- I want my husband to put his arms around me
- I want to buy clothes off the rack without trying them on
- I don't want my kid/s to be embarrassed when I take them to school (in the future)
- I don't want my stomach to ooze over all my waistbands
- I want to wear jeans that flatter my body
- I want a waist that is smaller than my husbands
- I want to have sex with the lights on
- I want to get into the Weight Watchers or Slimming magazine as a "success story"
- I want to become a Life Time Member at Weight Watchers
- I want to wear my first ever pair of size 10 jeans
- I want to be fit and healthy for when I fall pregnant with our first child
- I want to wear skirts without needing a 'girdle' or 'control' undies
- I want to wear strapless dresses & tops
- I don't want to look like the Michellin woman
- I want to think like a healthy person. ie: where it not 'hard work' to say no/exercise
- I don't want to crave KFC, Maccas or Hungry Jacks when I drive past
- I want to do a triathlon and not worry about it killing me